What kind of milk are you? A fun personality quiz to try out if you love flavored milk and random stuff about yourself CUPCAKE2004 published on June 25, 2018 Stacked 1/5 Would you rather... Get stung by a jelly fish Live without your mobile phone (FOREVER) 2/5 choice a style of fashion and sub culture kawaii whatever is in (like Esme from ASOUE) Grunge I don't really care (whatever fits and is comfy) Nerdy ironic shirts 3/5 Which Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle is your favourite Leonardo (Blue) Donatello (purple) Raphael (red) Michelangelo (orange) 4/5 Pick a terrible scenario Being stuck in a room full of scary stuff (and no Nyan Cat theme playing) Looking like an idiot because I wore orange and it's a funeral, so every one else is in black (also you laughed during a eulogy, rather than cried) You got bashed up in front of a teacher and the teacher just laughed at you Being humiliated because you didn't know the answer to a question A room that's dark and full of clowns 5/5 The Hogwarts house you'd least expect to get into Gryffindor Ravenclaw Hufflepuff Slytherin