which christmas ornament are you!

which christmas ornament are you!

snowflake ornament, flower ornament, or even the star. do you ever wonder which you really are. well take this quiz and you'll find out. i'll give you the answer without a doubt!

published on January 15, 2015

theres a school play happening do you...

theres a school play happening do you...
try if i don't get in thats fine but trying something new is cool!
i must try out! i bet i'll get a great part!
maybe i could help back stage, i'd like that!
if i get to wear a pretty costume of corse!
maybe i could do something cool like a cart wheel fun stuff is cool!
not really i'd rather be out side but i'll come see it

school projects are happening you do yours on...

school projects are happening you do yours on...
i have so many interesting and perfect debatable topics to do as my project
the homeless
the out doors
show bis since i already know all about it

whats your favourite colour..

whats your favourite colour..
pink pink pink!
sparkly silver
gold red or yellow

theres a new girl at school you...

theres a new girl at school you...
introduce her to the school and play with her till she settles
take her shopping...she needs a new dress!
encourage her to follow her dreams
help her organize her things (fun for both of you!)
have some fun with her, thats what life's all about!
teach her to climb a tree

how do you describe your self...

how do you describe your self...
the talented one
the playful one
the sassy fashionable one
the risk taker
the kind one
the responsible one

you birthday is coming up you really want a...

you birthday is coming up you really want a...
organized pencils clip bourds and that kinda stuff.
anything fun!
dresses lip gloss and nail polish
anything that keeps me doing something when i'm not with friends.
a movie to star in!...no seriously.