Are you leaving people out of your friendship? Take this quiz honestly and dont pretend. Ok enjoy the quiz! 3 personalities Acookie published on March 29, 2016 Stacked 1/5 Do you think you are a good friend? Of course I never leave out my friends. Um who said that i have friends? Well I think I am a good friend but I like to hang out with one friend more than the other. 2/5 Recess. who do you hang out with? well i was going to hang with my best friend but ill choose a random popular group instead. Me and my BFF always play basketball together and let others play too! What friends? Oh you mean my followers? Well they only follow me around. 3/5 Lunch time. who do you sit by? BFF! This is our time to talk about our day! BF! I can show off to all of the other 6th graders! No one. I'm to amazing to sit by these stupid people! 4/5 Friday night and you have 2 tickets for you and a guest to a comedy show who do you pick? My boyfriend for sure! My best friend! We do everything together! Well I would choose the friend with the most money so she can buy me things! 5/5 This quiz was: XD :3 ._.