Cupquake quiz Please awner ALL of these :P # lovley :3 I love cupquake!' N' red :3 bai madisonfaithhall published on November 30, 2015 Stacked 1/5 what was cupquakes episode of I was hungry but there where burgers? NOM NOM Hungruuuu 2/5 What was cupquakes ep 10 on could nine called? new house KITTAY!!!!!!!!! 3/5 If you lovd IHasCupQuake, What is HER REAL NAME? stacy tiff 4/5 Finallly What was the name vid name of: Spooky house of jump scares? Su cute! VERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRY7 kyute 5/5 Wait last, What is cupquakes husband? Red Joey graffeca