Which Batman Character Are You? (1) Find out which iconic Batman character matches your personality! Take this quiz to find out! remus2009 published on March 06, 2024 Stacked 1/12 What is your preferred mode of transportation? Batmobile Bat-Bike Batcycle Batwing 2/12 Pick a utility belt gadget: Smoke bombs Bolas Bo staff Grappling hook 3/12 How do you prefer to handle conflict? Head-on combat Sly tactics Quick and agile moves Teamwork 4/12 What is your ideal hideout? Rooftop lair Batcave Gotham Clock Tower Titans Tower 5/12 Pick a catchphrase: Life's a bitch Holy ___ Batman! Wing it I'm Batman 6/12 What motivates you to protect Gotham? Thrills and riches Justice and vengeance Protecting the innocent Making Batman proud 7/12 Which color do you gravitate towards? Blue Purple Black Red 8/12 Choose a sidekick: Black Cat Batgirl Nightwing Oracle 9/12 How do you unwind after a long night of crime-fighting? Game night with friends Cat nap Night-time jog Brooding in the dark 10/12 Choose a favorite villain to face off against: Penguin Deathstroke Two-Face Joker 11/12 What is your go-to combat move? Batarang throw Boy Wonder acrobatics Whip lash Dick Grayson special 12/12 Pick an iconic Batman symbol: Robin bird Bat signal Night wing Cat eyes