Which Starter Pokemon Are You? (2) AmazinglyAmberYT published on September 15, 2024 Stacked 1/7 What is your preferred type of weather? Mild and pleasant Sunny and warm Cool and breezy Thunderstorms 2/7 What do you value most in a friend? Loyalty Excitement Calmness Fun 3/7 What's your favorite kind of food? Salads and greens Spicy dishes Seafood Sweet treats 4/7 Pick a pet... A loyal dog A playful cat A cool fish A dynamic lizard 5/7 What is your ideal vacation destination? A lush forest A sunny beach A calm lake A fun amusement park 6/7 What's your favorite time of day? Morning Afternoon Evening Anytime, as long as I'm with friends 7/7 Choose your favorite type of Pokemon... Grass Fire Water Electric