what band are you?

what band are you?

What band are you out of the Emo Trinity? Find out by taking this quiz to see what Emo trinity Band you are.

published on January 25, 2016

Whats Panic at the Disco's New Album called (early 2016_)

Too Weird to Live, Too Rare To Die!
Death of a Bachelor

What band broke up?
and when?

Panic At the Disco - April 3rd
Fall out boy - October 10th
Fall out boy - January 14th
My Chemical Romance - March 22nd
Fall Out Boy - June 30th

What was the Emo trinitys first national anthem?

Dance Dance - Fall Out boy
Welcome to the Black parade - My Chemical Romance
I write sins not tragedies - Panic! At The Disco

Why Does My chemical romance have mask On In the danger days error?

Because Thats how they are supposed to look for the Danger days error
Because they're based on looking like that In the fabulous 4 So Korse doesn't know who they are.
Because Duhh, Its a Japanese Party!

Two Fall out Boy memebers has a shipped name?
Whats the shipping name?
