1989 Shhh it is a secret. Enjoy this spicy quiz to find out which ho from 1989 u is! Author1989 published on March 19, 2016 Stacked 1/5 Who is your best friend? Mr. Steves! Ashton Howlett! Ma-Ma-MARIA FEBREEZE I have no friends! Sean and Ashton, TOGETHER! Peter!!!!! ;)) That Ella Donney is one hottie tottie! Hmm, indeed it's sam sevor! I love turg v much :) Rya MARTI I HATE YOU ALL daddy ;) That Luke Leach is one spicy bitch! Oh there's too many to choose from! Everyone hates me :( 2/5 What is ur fav 1989 pt 3 song/songs Maria Febreeze KELLENS REMIX It needed to be said remix Joris mixtape I DO NOT LIKE HOMOSEXUALS HOTTIE TOTTIES you and I do or die The kickball boys The mourning Indeed Sorrows THEY ARE ALL PERFECTION Mr Fish sir My artistic plan 3/5 What makes you mad? When I can't get a date When my green crayon breaks! When people don't sign into the library When I lose my chicken nuggets When I lose my weave When my crush wants me dead Homosexual sons When ppl sing off key When I am not real When I get shhhed When bae. Kisses me When I die When bae is sad When my girlfriend talks to other girls When I hide in the bathroom 4/5 How do you describe yourself? Gay Snazzy Sassy Sensitive Satan's tears Death Great Egg Indeed Unknown I hate you all Dolphins Depressed Savior Orphan 5/5 Was this quiz sassy enough? Yas! Suck my ass