What punk rock band hero is your hunka hunka boyfreind If you listen to punk rock, this is the quiz for you. You have an option of Kellin Quinn, Andy Beersack, and other people like that. Please enjoy! cupcakes123 published on June 29, 2014 Stacked 1/6 Do you listen to punk rock? Yes No Sometimes I like it but I don't really listen to it 2/6 If you had to marry a punk rock singer would you? Heck NO!!!! Heck YEAAH Idk Maybe 3/6 What's you favirot kellin Quinn song out of these? Match out of Water Do it now Remember it Later I don't really know Both 4/6 Are you enjoying the quizz so far No What does that have to do with anything Yeshh Wtf 5/6 Would you kiss Andy Beersack? Yes I would no Mayybe Idk 6/6 Do you like pizza Whhhy YESHH Sometimes, I guess Uhhhh