Hogwarts House Sorting Quiz... This following quiz will ask you a variety of questions with a range of answers that can't be easily determined as to which house they fit to... Good Luck! x xremus_furrylittlesecretx published on July 19, 2014 Stacked 1/8 Which of the following traits is the most important to you?... Daring, Nerve, and Chivalry... Wisdom, Flair, and Wit... Cunning, Resourcefulness, and Ambition... Valuing Hard Work, Patience, Loyalty, and Fair Play... 2/8 Drink Of Despair, Felix Felicis, Elixir to Induce Euphoria; If you were to create a potion that was to give you one thing, what would it be?... Heroic Death... Creativity... Success... Honesty... 3/8 Heads or Tails?... Heads... Tails... 4/8 Pick a pet... Pygmy Puffs... Augureys... Cats... Dogs... 5/8 What are you most looking forward to at 'Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry'?... Quidditch... Divination... Potions... Herbology... 6/8 How would you want to be reacted to?... Praised... Intimidated... Feared... Liked... 7/8 Amortentia, causing a powerful infatuation/obsession from the drinker, is the most powerful love potion in existence. Even if the person doesn't acknowledge their affection themselves, it has a different aroma for everyone who smells it; what do you smell?... Freshly Mown Grass... Smoke... Mothers Perfume... Damp Earth... 8/8 Dawn or Dusk?... Dawn... Dusk...