I bet i can guess your gender (1) Starlight: Lol. I cant. Mabe? If i do. Please leave one star, Just one star! Please? StarTheCrusader published on April 21, 2018 Stacked 1/5 How do u like Over? over? OVER? 2/5 What do you do on the mornings (school/work days) Get up. Put on fancy make-up Get up. Put on no fancy make-up Lol. What? 3/5 What do you do on the mornings (free days) Video games Get up. Eat. Go to mall Chilling in my room, waiting for the buss. Wait? No school? 4/5 what is your favorite videogame? Roblox Minecraft Fortnite 5/5 What if i asked you, will you marry me Hell no No Huh?