Will you go 2 Heaven or Hell? Ever wonder were u will go after u die i don't really believe in heaven but i definitely believe in Hell and this quiz will tell u if u will go 2 heaven or hell frans4life published on March 14, 2018 Stacked 1/5 where do u want to go HELL heaven 2/5 what do u like i like feeding off the souls of the damned art, dance and all around video games eating........mostly meat from freshly hunted animals >:D talking to my friends and family MURDERING THE INOCENT what even is this bs i don't like any of this 3/5 do u like death YESSSSSSS no that's crazy NO NEVER IN MAH LIFE WOULD I LIKE THAT HECK YEAH yup duh i nearly cut my own hand off idk 4/5 it's raining tacos from out of the sky........ tacos no need to ask why just open your mouth and close your eyes r u kidding me y must u do this to me wtf is this bs aww~ it's blueberry and guess what i'm dustberry4life 5/5 what is your fav colour BLOOOOD orange yellow angel blue cyan lilac RAINBOWS the colours of tacos