Lover type Test with questions.And then selection of what u like. Best of luck for the quiz Creep15 published on March 05, 2018 Stacked 1/7 Which type did u like? 1 2 3 1,2 2,3 1,2,3 None 2/7 Do u like pets? Nope Hell yeah I guess they are okay 3/7 Which will u rather go a movie then dinner date or amusement park then to shopping and then to dinner 2nd 1st None of the above 4/7 Do you want your partner to have the best looks but no perfect guy or girl qualities ? Well it's fine for me Nope looks always doesn't matter I would rather choose the opposite Well I am fine till I like that person 5/7 Do u like long walks but less talks more like there should be expressions in that love ? Well doesn't matter to me if I like that person ..Love is love u know Nope I would rather find someone else Oh yeah ..Sounds something new and romantic 6/7 Do u like junk food date? Wtf no Hell yeah it sounds awesome Not bad 7/7 Horror movies at midnight with icecream? Oh yeah just my type No srsly? I would rather sleep Sounds an awesome way to spend a night