would you like me? (1) Girls only(i'm a guy), I know this is a wierd quiz but i got bored, plus i'm curious to see what you get, please comment. captainqwerty published on March 29, 2016 Stacked 1/9 age 12-13 14-15 other 2/9 me gert some herpies. gross good for you I do not care 3/9 Favorite color (sorry) blue/pink black/gray other none 4/9 do you like potatos and/or pickles ERMAHGERD YEA!!! yea who doesn't no and no 5/9 I'm am crazy and i have multiple personality disorder but not very bad, so if you knew me your life will never be normal NOTHING WILL KEEP ME AWAY!!! thats bad i geuss yea right 6/9 what do you think of cats THEY ARE PLANING TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD AND MUST BURN!!!but they are to cute cool why 7/9 do you like video games and/or science whats that. no F*** YEA 8/9 I am a nerd, i do not like sports F*** YOU Thats alright Me too 9/9 FATE!!! wumpy wumpus woo cammel Turtle ???