Thinker or Feeler: Which One Are You?

Thinker or Feeler: Which One Are You?

Discover if you make decisions based on logic or emotions with this quick quiz!

published on August 22, 2024

How do you approach solving problems?

Weighing both logic and emotions
Rationally analyzing the situation
Going with your gut feeling

When giving advice, what is most important to you?

Facts and reasoning
Empathy and understanding
A combination of both

How do you react to criticism?

Consider the feedback from different angles
Take it personally and get emotional
Analyze the feedback objectively

What drives your decision making process?

What drives your decision making process?
A mix of rationality and empathy
Reason and logic
Emotions and feelings

How do you typically express your opinions?

Balancing facts with personal values
Using logic and reasoning
Sharing your emotions and values

In a crisis, what guides your actions?

A combination of rationality and emotions
Intuition and compassion
Critical thinking and problem-solving

How do you prefer to communicate with others?

Sharing personal stories and emotions
Logical arguments and evidence
A mix of facts and feelings

When making big decisions, what plays a bigger role?

When making big decisions, what plays a bigger role?
Logic and reason
Intuition and gut feelings
Balance of rationality and emotions

How do you cope with stress?

How do you cope with stress?
Problem-solving and strategizing
Using a mix of logical solutions and emotional outlets
Seeking emotional support and comfort

What motivates you in life?

Striving for a harmonious blend of both
Achieving goals and success
Building meaningful relationships