Inferno~ A Sonic Forces WWFFY #1

Inferno~ A Sonic Forces WWFFY #1

By most people voting, I created this WWFFY since you all asked for it before an OC fanfic. This is a WWFFY based on the Sonic Forces plot. You can get Sonic, Shadow, Silver, Tails and Knuckles for now. Later on I will add Classic Sonic and maybe the Chaotix.?

published on October 30, 20173 responses 0
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Hi I'm Tappdancing and I'm your QM for he Inferno WWFFY series which us based off Sonic Forces. It is set before Sonic vanishes.
Anywho, you have just joined the resistance. You're a[n] a/t. You are in a briefing with the Sonic and co. Who are you keeping an eye on?

Hi I'm Tappdancing and I'm your QM for he Inferno WWFFY series which us based off Sonic Forces. It is set before Sonic vanishes.  Anywho, you have just joined the resistance. You're a[n] a/t. You are in a briefing with the Sonic and co. Who are you keeping an eye on?
Sonic, he's cocky but heroic. I quite like him and his personality{he's my cousin, so that's nice to hear!}.
Shadow, I want to know more about him{well, he's hot and he's one of my boyfriends but I won't add any of my shops in.}. He's so shady and edgy but I heard he's just tusundre.
Silver, he's so adorable and heroic. I want to be with him FOREVER!!!!{Whoa! Major Silver fan girl}.
Tails, he's a cutie and and smarty pants{he's another one of my boyfriends! Heh! *Sweatdrops*}.
Knuckles, he's the leader of the resistance and the strong one! I want to destroy robots with him{you will later on in the series!}!! Horray!!!!!

My OC Tappdancing(a.k.a. Princess Sapphire of Crystal City or Sparkle the famous singer) , a turquoise cat with blue eyes, comes in. She is wearing a music note tunic, a grey hoodie and blue and white sneakers. "Yo guys, I've got some more intel for you from my latest mission. Hope your happy with it Amy! Oh, hi there, I'm Sapphire but everyone Tappdancing or Tappers for short! What's your name?" She says motioning to you.

My OC Tappdancing(a.k.a. Princess Sapphire of Crystal City or Sparkle the famous singer) , a turquoise cat with blue eyes, comes in. She is wearing a music note tunic, a grey hoodie and blue and white sneakers. "Yo guys, I've got some more intel for you from my latest mission. Hope your happy with it Amy! Oh, hi there, I'm Sapphire but everyone Tappdancing or Tappers for short! What's your name?" She says motioning to you.
Hi, I'm y/n, y/n the a/t{you remind me of someone...}. Oh I know who your talking about its...* is cut off with a silencing spell from Tappers-she's a magician.*
Hello! My name is y/n and may I please see your communicator. I want to see the how the code looks{sure, I have the most hi-tech gadgets *gives communicator*}. Thanks*takes, has a fiddle and then gives it back*.
Hmp...y/n*says in a nearly audible voice*{never mind since I can read your mind. *answers answer 3's next question* Yes, really!} 0.0
Yo, I'm y/n and I'm ready for my first mission{sorry you're gonna get one in later quizzes}. Awww!
Hi I'm y/n the a/t and I can't wait to help you all out{I like your enthusiasm, here, have a cookie?. *gives cookie*} *takes cookie* Thanks Tappers.

"Anyway, the briefing is finished. Sapphire please can you show y/n to her room." Knuckles informed me.

"Sure! I'd love to! Come on y/*I teleport us to the residential area*, what colour room do you want girl?"

"Anyway, the briefing is finished. Sapphire please can you show y/n to her room." Knuckles informed me.  "Sure! I'd love to! Come on y/*I teleport us to the residential area*, what colour room do you want girl?"
Any shade of blue would be nice. :D
White or cream please.
I'd like to have yellow please.
Red is best! Red is best!{calm down dude. By the way, all colours are great, so just chill!BD}.
I'll take black and red.

You have a look around your room. What do you do?

You have a look around your room. What do you do?
Look out the window and think about how much you can run in the fields.
See the space so you know how big to make your inventions.
See how big my closet is!
Look for a place to put my punch bag!!
Think about todays events and philosophise.

You are tired and go to bed in your PJs.

You are tired and go to bed in your PJs.
I'm not tired. I want to go for a walk{tough luck, your going sleep.*uses a sleep spell*} *sleeping*
*Tries to sleep but ends up tossing and turning in bed*.

Sayonara people!!

So long QM.
See you later.