What type of person are you? (12) This quiz will tell you a little bit about your personality, No it's not 100% that what you get is you, I'm not a future teller so don't get mad. CuteEmoChick published on June 01, 2018 Stacked 1/7 Are you more of a leader or follower? NATRUAL BORN LEADER BABY! kinda in the middle leaning more on the leader side though Follower I guess Loner.. who needs to follow or lead when you got yourself? right? (hun make some friends plz) 2/7 someone stole $100 out of your wallet/Purse. what do you do? HUNT THEM DOWN AND BEAT $200 OUTTA THEM!!! Maybe call the police?... or just let it go... Maybe they needed it more then me?.. Eh Whatever their probably long gone can't do much about it now.. *yawn* time to sleep. Ill ask everyone in town and give them each a nice long talk about how wrong it is to steal people's money. 3/7 How often do you express emotion? Never PEOPLE CAN NOT KNOW I FEEL! Only when no ones around and I'm alone in my bedroom... IM ALWAYS ANGER! does that count? (....YeS tHaT's aN EmOtIoN) always :) 4/7 are you at all hot tempered? I'd rather avoid conflict... Nah I'm chill man OMG YES I COULD JUST HIGH FIVE SOMEONE IN THE FACE WITH A FREAKIN CHAIR!!!! Only when people are stupid and im trying to get stuff done ughhhh!! 5/7 Are you timid and shy? NOPE NEVER, I'M SUPER SOCAIL!!!.... how so I shut up???? NO! I hate people Sometimes... YES! 6/7 Do you like sports? YES! I LOVE basketball, baseball/Softball, tennis, soccer, football, volleyball ANY SPORT OUT THERE I LOVE!! Nah too much time an energy.. not worth it (time to put the bag of chips down an exercise.. JK lol you do you lovely's) ain't got the time, BUSY BUSY BUSY! No.. it involves being around people.. I don't like that 7/7 what do you do for fun? ..sleep, read... pretty much it I guess kick back an listen to music maybe even some video games important things OMG EEK talk to my besties, play sports, EAT YESSSS (okie time to chill out there sweetie)