Which one of my brothers are you? This is mostly for boys, but girls can try it too. Be careful answering questions, all my bros are crazy... (The anime guy is totally random, sorry...) icy_winter published on July 06, 2017 Stacked 1/7 So! Hi! Hey. Whoa, dude!!! Whasup?? Yo. Hi!! I'm ____ and love jokes!! What did banana say to the other banana? I'm peeling!!Hilarious, right? 2/7 U ready for the quiz? Sure. Oh yah oh yah oh yah (does a little dance around the room) Yah. 'Course! I am so ready!! Wanna nother joke? Me: no thanks. You: okay. 3/7 What's your favorite color? Blue/white/grey Yellow/green/red Orange Other 4/7 Yes or no? Yes no yes no yes no!!! THIS IS SO FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes. Yes! Any more jokes? Me: no... No. 5/7 The quiz? Was it cool? Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwesome!! Dude!! Seerrrrrrrrrriouslyyyyyyyyyyy!! so good so good chachachaaa Pretty good. Good. Not so good. 6/7 Choose any word from the words below. bluh icy funny daredevil 7/7 Hope you have a nice day! See you soon! Bye-bye!! (Jumps around and sings 'cha-cha') See you. I mean, maybe not? But bye. Bye! Sure you don't wanna joke? Me: I'll take one. You: what did the cow say to the cow? Moooooove over? Me: very funny Um...ciao.