Would Cherry Viridi like you Would my fanfiction character Cherry Viridi like you as a friend lover or just flat out hate your guts anonymous-user-P1tHTj published on August 06, 2015 Stacked 1/18 Favorite songs 115 and Beauty of Annihilation + juggernog jingle The Legend of Zelda theme PHD Flopper jingle and Stronger Than You Dark Pit theme 2/18 Favorite three drinks Strawberry milk, Juggernog, and red wine Pomegranate juice, Dr Pepper, and white wine Root beer,phd flopper, and green potion (Ocarina of Time) Drink of the gods, Stamin up, and Chateau Romani 3/18 Favorite Weapons Kunais and 115 sword M9s and Ump45 Dark Pit staff and Silver Bow spear and Frag grenades Ak 47 and mauser c96 4/18 Favorite Games MarioKart wii, battlefield 4, fnaf2, and Gears of War 2 Kid Icarus Uprising, Batman Arkham City, Legend of Zelda a Link between worlds and smash 4 Cod Nazi Zombies Hyrule Warriors, Batman Arkham Series, and Cod World At War GTAV, mario pary 10,the force unleashed xbox version, and minecraft 5/18 Favorite Anime Ouran Highschool host club and attack on Titan Soul eater deathnote Kid Icarus Uprising Anime Shorts Heaven's Lost Property Fairy Tale Naruto 6/18 Favorite Cod Zombies Map Nacht Der Untoten Der Riese Mob of the Dead Origins Shangrila Tranzit Die Rise 7/18 Would you like a Goddess yeah Yes I love Goddesses even if they are about Fear and Darkness no NEIN !!!!!!!!!!!! HELL NO *walks away* no comment 8/18 Favorite movie Dead Snow Batman Animal Instincts Batman 1989 Batman Assault On Arkham Poltergeist 9/18 Do you like hot springs no I guess Hell Yeah it is a secret HELL NOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NEIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *walks away 10/18 Favorite flavor of cake Vanilla Yellow cake pepperment red velvet 11/18 Favorite Perks Juggernog and Stamin up mule kick speed cola double tap both versions 12/18 Do you like Gamer girls Hell no NEIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELL NO BRUH BRUH naaaw no *walks away* Yes YES MUCH YES Yes because I am video game character 13/18 Would you go to a remodeled Arkham on your Honeymoon no that place is creepy Very Much Yes yeah why not 14/18 If your wife was dying what would you do Grab her in a bridal position and take her to her bedroom and lay her on her bed Nothing Kill the attacker try to save her 15/18 Do you think this quiz was good loved it no really loved it and it will now be in my quiz favorites it has my approval hated it *walks away* no comment not telling you 16/18 will you try to get all of the answers yes no 17/18 Have you read the Cherry Viridi stories Yes NEIN 18/18 Do you like Toy Bonnie X Bonnie hell yeah Nein and hell no