What Kind of Noodle Are You? Discover the information you have always wanted to know- where you fall within the pasta-sphere! sadieluvsdogs published on April 01, 2019 Stacked 1/10 Favorite fro-yo topping? Oreos Sprinkles Bursting Boba Cheesecake Bites 2/10 What is your favorite color? Blue Yellow Red Green 3/10 How would your friends describe you? Laid-back Playful Outgoing Friendly 4/10 What is your favorite candy? Snickers Sour Patch Kids Hot Tamales M&Ms 5/10 Favorite pasta sauce? Bolognese Alfredo Pesto Marinara 6/10 If you could have any superpower, what would it be? Super strength Flight Teleportation Mind Control 7/10 What is one thing you cannot live without? Friends and family Laughter Excitement Routine 8/10 How would you spend your ideal Friday night? Staying in Making crafts At a party Hanging out with friends 9/10 What is your favorite season? Winter Spring Summer Autumn 10/10 Favorite fast-food chain? Chipotle McDonald's Whataburger P.Terry's