Angel or Devil Hmm whom shall u be take the test an find out blah blah blah lmao yeah india published on July 02, 2016 Stacked 1/8 How long would ur diet last Diet?y would u think i need a diet? I am ffiinnnee the way i am Um 2 seconds cuz i dont really try Until i am the weight i wanna be im not given up 2/8 Ur bestfriend is getting told the truth by someone an it hurts them stop cryin jezz its the truth Tell person off then calmns down bestie I mean yes it is the truth but.. U shouldnt pitty urself about it 3/8 Do u hate life Yes it is bullshit Nope life is beautiful all around I mean... Y wouodnt i Eehhh its ok I dont hate life i hate the ppl who lives life 4/8 U havnt ate all day an the cuties lil kid comes an asks u can they have ur plate Yes u can Nope notta im hungry Share half of it 5/8 Ur most hated enemy wants to fight Beat them up soo bad an walk away Tell them no im too good 6/8 Its ur big day (prim) an ur date says they dont have an outfit EHY U DIDNT TELL ME THIS EARLIER I BET U DIDNT EANT TI GO WITH ME ANYWAYS wait.. I will buy u an outfit Well... I can go alone 7/8 u was walkin one day an seen a baby walking out into the road alone an a car comin RESCUE THE BABY im not risking my life over an unknown child Idk i would but i dont want to 8/8 Ur brother/sister told ur parents u stoled numerious candyfrom out all the stores yall went to Slap them Let them lie... Imma just sip some tea Tell parents i swear it wasnt me