Which Colour Dragon Are You? Red,Black,Blue,Green,White,Purple or Yellow? Try this quiz to find out what colour you'd be if you were one of these amazing creatures! :) heirofslytherin published on October 14, 2014 Stacked 1/11 Choose a food: Fish,Frogs,Eels. PEOPLE or just a small animal will do... Seabirds. Some nice plants. Something chilled like a penguin or a seal. camels,lizards,snakes. Moles,Badgers...anything that burrows. 2/11 How would you defeat your opponents/victims? With the element of surprise! With my strength! With my awesome tracking skills! I'll outsmart them! With speed! Ill stun them with a sandstorm! With powerful magic! 3/11 Which type of film would you most likely star in? horror action adventure romance sci-fi comedy fantasy 4/11 How would you spend your days? torturing anyone who dares to come near your lair terrorising the local villagers flying over the oceans and chasing the sealife prowling through dark forests soaring over icy plains & laying in the snow sunbathing practising dark magic 5/11 Favourite Weather? Rain Heatwave Thunderstorm Mild Snow Dry Any but i prefer darkness over light 6/11 What do you breathe out of your snout? Poisonous acid! Fire! Bolts of Lightning! Toxic Gas! A Chilling Frost! A hail of intense heat! Black Fog! 7/11 What smell most pleases you? Acid Smoke Sea-Salt Trees & Flowers ICE! Does it have a smell though? Hot Scorching Sand Earth 8/11 Which of the 7 deadly sins do you have the most of? Wrath (anger) Greed Gluttony (Eat more than you really need to) Envy (Jealousy) Pride Sloth (laziness) Lust (strong desires for other people) 9/11 Which sounds most like you? I always get my revenge I can be very quick to anger I prefer the coast to the countryside I like dark places I prefer being by myself I prefer being hot to being cold I believe in anything mystical or paranormal 10/11 What is your favourite part of the day/night? The darkest hour of the night Sunrise Evening Afternoon Mid-morning Midday Sunset 11/11 Where would you prefer to live? Swamp Volcanic Mountain Sea Cliff Forest Arctic Desert Underground cave