find out who ur sonic match is FOR GIRLS ONLY this is a quize about ur sonic boy perfect match. please remember this is my first quize hope u enjoy arie3 published on October 28, 2015 Stacked 1/5 who do u like out of these shadow scourge sonic/faker (yeah i like shadow and scourge) silver 2/5 what kind of guy do u like emo,mysterous hot,sexy kind socially awkward 3/5 what kind of date would u go on go to a movie and after word go watch tv have an insane makeout session kick egg mans a** sit and talk 4/5 what kind of cloths do u wear (i know this might sound weird but its important) black anything leather jacket sun glasses very small belly shirt and short shorts with black combat boots blue silver 5/5 why do u like ur guy he is cute he is kind he is a trouble maker he is awkward