Which cousin are you? Which cousin are you most like? Halie? Bri? Alex? Kayla? Take this quiz to find out! alexandras00 published on December 25, 2017 Stacked 1/10 Dream vacation spot? Tennessee Paris Bora bora Tahiti 2/10 Favorite thing about yourself? Hair Butt Eyes Lips 3/10 Biggest pet peeve? When people tell you how to do your job When people are mean for no reason Mean & close-minded people When people ask for advice, but get mad when you tell them the truth 4/10 Favorite TV show? The office Criminal minds Shameless Friends 5/10 Favorite animal? Pig Elephant Fox Owl 6/10 Most important trait in a friend? Loyalty Supportive Trustworthy Honest 7/10 Dream job? Scientist Stay at home mom Writer No idea 8/10 What is something you find to be the most important? Being kind to everyone Being non judgmental Being honest Being confident 9/10 What is your weakness? Pushover Being blunt Not patient Too forgiving 10/10 Favorite app? Instagram Reddit Snapchat Any game