Would I go out with you? (I am lesbian) (Girls only) I AM LESBIAN SO THIS QUIZ IS FOR GIRLS (but boys may play if they wish ^^) Honest answers! If you get a good result e mail me if you want [email protected] Sakurac published on August 28, 2016 Stacked 1/6 Choose a singer Justin Beiber Lady gaga Hatsune Miku None An utauloid A rapper 2/6 You are; Bisexual man Bisexual woman Straight woman Straight man Lesbian Gay 3/6 Will you e mail me? Yes No (can't) No (don't want to) Not sure 4/6 Do you like my cousin? She cute! I go to school with her Is that you? (Me: no, she is my cousin) No she ugly. Must get to know her but she cute. Must get to know her but she ugly 5/6 Do you like this? No Yes 6/6 Do you say any of the following (in context) Sup Nyan Lol (pronounced lol not LOL) That's tight/your tight (when someone is mean) No