Which of the five basic personality types are you? So this actually came from a thing my mom brought home from work. And lemme tell you, its accurate as FUCCK- BlueTheQuizWhiz97 published on August 05, 2021 Stacked 1/14 So just pick which one describes you best, ready?GO- Outgoing/Task oriented Outgoing/ people oriented Reserved/people oriented Reserved/task oriented 2/14 UwU Next one- Bold Expressive Supportive Technical 3/14 Keep going! Direct friendly steady Cautious 4/14 You're doing AWESOME Dominant Outgoing Logical Team player 5/14 ANNND another one qwq Demanding Emotional Service Consistent 6/14 Which one do you need? Competitive Approval Sincere Excellence 7/14 TwT keep going, I know it's long but this needs to be accurate- Being in charge Influence Detailed Loyal 8/14 Now onto funner questions. Which of these do you need to have a healthy day-to-day life? Results, confirmation People, social activities Cooperation Quality 9/14 Which do you dislike the most? In people, activities, etc. Inefficiency, indecision Routines, complexity insensitivity, impatience Disorganization, impropriety 10/14 What motivates you? Conquering challenges, choices, control, solving problems Recognition, approval, popularity, fun security, appreciation, assurance, acceptance Quality anwsers, excellence, value, accuracy 11/14 What happens when you're stressed, tired, etc? I get dictative, controlling I get unfocused I get indecisive I get super critical 12/14 How do you communicate? Straightforward Friendly and informal Warm, open, sincere Logical, precise, detailed 13/14 What do you hate the most? Being disrespected, not winning Being disliked or confined by rules Confrontation and change Being inconsistent/wrong or illogical 14/14 Last on3! Which one of these sounds like your mindset? "Get it done! Make it happen! Play to win! Results!" "To be the star of the show, fun and excitement!" "I'm neutral. Let's all get along! No conflict please" "Let's do things right and with excellence. What is the plan? Have you thought things through, what is the purpose of this? Why?"