Promises (Sonic WWFFY) 3

Promises (Sonic WWFFY) 3

Last time you woke up in a weird room to find out Domanic is controling everything. You meet up with Silver and beat up and trap a zombie. Oh, and you just walked into a room where you know who the voices belong to. Enjoy! :3

published on June 27, 2015

You open the door to see Tails and Shadow talking about how to get out. "Gee guys, don't surround us at once" You say a small smirk on your face. Tails eyes widen and he smiles. "__! Silver!" He yells and walks over happily. You smile but raise a eyebrow. "Tails...why are you not flying?" Silver asks. Tails sweatdrops and cringes slightly. "I...I can't, they are just...limp" He says. While Silver talks with Tails you walk over to Shadow to talk to him.

Maybe he knows where Sonic is...
Hey Shadow, miss me? :3
But I want to stay with Silver :c
Poor Tails, I wonder what happened to his Tails.

"Hey Shadz!" You say. He turns to you and with a small smile he nods. "Hello __" You lower your voice as you talk to him so Silver and Tails don't know what your talking about. "I know who did this, it wasn't Eggman" Shadow nods. "Yeah, it was Domanic. Me and Tails got a note from him saying that the zombies here are going to kill us" "You too?" Silver says walking over with Tails following. You stand there nervously. "Actully, I got a note saying the zombies were just going to bring ne to eggman" Silver nods. "Guess we are going to keep an eye on you huh?" Shadow mutters under his breath. You strain to hear but finally do. "Not like thats going to be a trouble..."

Aw, Shadow :3 thats sweet
Heehee, I guess so huh Silver?
I still feel bad for Tails
We are still forgetting about Sonic!

Tails suddenly looks around. "So, wheres Sonic?" He askes you. You look at him blanckly. "What do you mean? We thought he was with you..." "No, we better find him" Shadow says. Silver nods and looks at too doors in front of them. He walks over to the right door and tries to pull it open to find it locked. "Well, im out of ideas!" He joked. You chuckle and shake your head. Shadow rolls his eyes. "Your such a idiot Silver" He mocks. He walks to the right door and tries to open it only to find that one locked too. "Oh..."

XD Good one Silver!
That...wasn't that funny *tilts head*
FINALLY! Someone talks about Sonic!
XD Oh gowd Shadow!

As the guys argue you go to see if you can find a way out yourself. You see a giant picture frame with Domanic on a golden throne. His eyes seemed to follow your every move sending chills up your spine. You just glance at the picture and scoff, hes so full of himself. You then take a look at the picture fram. There are the dents in it that looked like sombody had carved them neatly to perfection. Confused on why it was like this you walk over to the fraem and slide your fingers across it. The fall into the dents and you hear a clicking sound.

Hm, I must have triggered something!
What did I do?! What did I do?!
I knew those dents ment something!
Eep! *ducks ready for a explostion* *stands up again* Okay then XD

The picture moves forward enough that you can see something behind it. You pull the picture open as if it was a door making aloud groaning noise at it got dragged across the floor to reveal a hidden doorway. Inside it was dark, cold and covered in cobwebs. In shock you turn towards the guys who are also staring with wide eyes and mouthes agape at your discovery. "Whoa" Silver says clearly speechless. "Yeah" You conferm. "Look, theres a note on the back of the picture" Shadow points out nodding towards a sticky note.

Does it tell us where Sonic is?
Who put this note there...guys? (Everyone: wasn't me) O.OU
^^Maybe its FROM Sonic! oOo
Its actully Domanic guys -3-, he left us notes before.

It read:

Sup everyone,
Congrats to __ for figuring out how to get out of here, for all you that don't know this is how things will work around here so your better put your thinking caps on fellers. Now, this has been fun so far, so i'm going to keep you guys alive for a while longer and play with your heads a little more. Enjoy the game, and __? Watch your back.
From D~

*growls* Hes got us trapped here and can do anything with us, thats just...ugh! So not fair!
Watch your back?...>.<U whats that supost to mean!?
Well, we are boned, so very very boned
Hey, he said congratz, thats something right? ...right?

You crumple up the paper and throw it to the ground angrily. The others just stare at the door way thinking about what could be down there, as your about to walk forward Shadow stops you. "You can't go first, if anythings down there you'll be the first to get taken, i'll go first" He says. You smile at him and nod happy that he cares about your safty. You follow Shadow though the tunnel and Tails and Silver are behind you. Silver hands Shadow a candle so he can lead the way with a light. The damp hallway gives the air a cold tinge making you shiver. You grab your arms to keep you warm. You feel a light tap on your shoulder to see Tails holding out his jacket to you."Looks like you need it more then i do" He says shyly

No, Tails, don't worry. I-i'm fine *shivers* Well, maybe not
*blushes* oh, t-thank you, Tails :3
Thanks Tails! Your right, I did need it!
*nods and thinks about how Shadow wants to pretect you*

You give Tails a kind smile and take his jacket and drape it around your shoulders. "Thx Tails, but won't you get cold?" You ask concerned. He just shakes his head. "No, don't worry about it". You give Tails a bear hug and both of you run t catch up with the guys. When you catch up Silver smiles at you happy to know your safe and Shadow nods. You and the guys continue down the dark, deep, damp hallway in silence. Theair was so quiet you could hear a pin drop and it would sound like a building just feel down...


"when is this £$%&#@! hallway GONNA END!" Shadow yells in fustration making everyone else jusp. You laugh at their sillyness and Shadow smirks knowing he scared the others. You look forward to see a faint light in a crack in the wall. Silver also sees it beside you and grins. "And at last I see the light~" He sang running towards the crack. YOu laugh and follow him. "And its like the fog has lifted~" You also sang knowing the disney film he was refrencing from. You hear another couple of footsteps behind you and you reconise them and Tails and Shadows.

And at last I see the light~
And its like the fog has lifted~
And at last I see the light!~
And its like the sky is new~ (For anyone who doesn't know this song is from Disney's Tangled X3)

You peck though the hole to see where it lead and you let a sqeuk of surprise and relief when you see whos though the wall. "Sonic's in there!" You yell happily. "Sonic! Over here SOnic! Can you hear us!?" Tails shouts. Silence. "Guess not" Shadow says. He scans the wall to see it made of mud. "We can get though here" He points out and starts digging. You, Silver and Tails join him extatic to see Sonic again.

Great job Shadow! How did we not notice the wall was made of mud before!? XD
Come on Silver! We are almost there!
Tails! I'm so sorry, your jacket is getting dirty :,c

The wall crumbles before your eyes and you see the blue blur get up and smile at you guys. "Long time no see" He says smirking slightly. "We are just hapopy your okay!" You say grinning. His smile faulters. "So you know whats going on?" Everyone nods and he sighes. " that your here, how do we get out?" Sonic says scratching under his nose. "Well" Tails starts. "We could-" He was cut off by the floor shaking. "EARTHQUAKE!" Silver shouts panicked.

No! Nonononono! Not now!
Its Domanic! Hes messing with us again! But what is he doing this time?
Help! Someone help meeeeeee!
*tries to stay standing up* *gulps*

The floor carrys on shaking but less violently then it was. "The walls are closing in!" Shadow shouts and you look around to see the walls were indeed closing in. You look around to see there are no doors around but there was a air vent above you. You jump up taking the air vent cover off before crawling in. You hear the guys follow you in. You turn around to see Sonic, Silver and Shadow behind you. "Wait a minute...TAILS!" You shout. You look back down to see Tails tring to reac for the vent. "I can't fly! Its my tails!" He crys. Tear well up in his eyes and he stares at the walls closing in on him. "Please!"

No! Tails!!!!! He have to help him!!!
*freaks out* Tails! You can do it! Please, you have to!
You can make it Tails!! before its to late! X,C

Sonic reaches down his hand to save him brother. "Grab my hand Tails!" Tails jumps up and fails to grab his hand. "I can't reach Sonic! Help!" Tears start to swell up in his eyes and it breaks your heart to see him like this. You pull Sonic back in and he looks at you like your crazy. "What are you doing!? Tails is-" You stop his and look at him sternly. "I got a plan, grab my ankles" You say. Sonic shakes his head. "Thats not gonna work!" "We can try!" You say. Time was running out and the walls were getting closer and closer together. Sonic nods and takes a hold of your legs. Thinking quickly you throw the upper part of your body out of the vent. "Tails! Grab my arms!" He does so and you swing him over to the side of the vent so he can climb in. You feel the walls on the side of your body and panic. Your going to die! "__!" Everyone shouts as you struggle to get back into the vent.

Sonic save me!
Shadow save me!
Silver save me!
Tails save me!