What type of cat are you? (1) Are you a yellow-eyed black cat? Are you a green-eyed orange cat? Are you a grey-eyed white cat? Play this quiz to find out! Cooly published on May 24, 2018 Stacked 1/12 What would you do if you realized a lady bug was crawling on your shoulder? Scare it off then chase it Let it climb! I love lady bugs! Kill it Hurt it so it learns a lesson I don’t know... make it fly away Wait.... and ATTACK 2/12 Are you confident? Not that much No never I hate that ewwww Sometimes Most of the time Yes all the time Often yes, often no 3/12 If you saw a robber brake into your house, what would you do? Nothing...maybe run Quickly call the police Yell at the robber Be brave and tell the robber to leave A robber? OH NO!!! Run out of the house and get help! 4/12 Do you like tuna? Eeeh... I don’t mind it.../gross... It’s ok... Yes I love it I don’t know I’ve never had it before 5/12 Do you like dogs? Some... No... only if the dog is very small and has not very many teeth Not very often, no. Yes dogs are nice to play with but I don’t like them if they will chomp my head off No dogs are mean and ugly NO I HATE DOGS PLEASE GET THEM OUT OF THIS WORLD 6/12 How many friends do you have? 0 1-2 15+ 3-5 5-7 7-14 7/12 Do you like milk? No milk is DISGUSTING It’s bad, but I can drink it Milk is pretty good. I loved it as a baby. Milk is so-so. I like warm milk better. Milk is good. I drink it every morning. Milk is healthy and super yummy!!! 8/12 Do you like robin birds? No... BUT THEY SURE ARE DELICIOUS Yummy... Yes! Robins are pretty, friendly birds! I don’t like them that much... I’m fine with them They’re cool. 9/12 What would you do if your friend started to drown in your pool? Let him/her drown Maybe give him/her a hand... Help him/her! QUICK!!! I would wait until he/she starts to run out of air, then hop in and save him/her Help him/her out Save him/her. 10/12 Do you like ice cream? Yeah... No I hate that I only like “special food for me” Mmmm! YUMMY!!! It’s good. It’s... unhealthy... I don’t want to get fat or sick... I only like it when it’s hot out 11/12 If you were a cat, what would you play with? Blocks Yogurt containers/boxes My owner I would just want to torture beetles Yarn Just regular cat toys 12/12 What weather do you love? Warm, sunny days of course Dark, cold, rainy nights Cool, kind of sunny days Cloudy days Dark, stormy days/rainy days Snowy days