how cool are you (1) tells you if you are the kind of person other people like being around and how happy you make other people feel rosebud.dicarprio published on February 06, 2015 Stacked 1/10 do u like cracking jokes duh? its lame when required i dont know how to 2/10 how many piercings do you have 1 on each ear a couple on my ears a lot all over a cool tongue ring none 3/10 how many friends do you have a dozen lost count a few cool ones none 4/10 do you think you are cool an inch hell yeah nope 5/10 what colour is your hair naturally blonde brunette dyed black dyed different colors 6/10 do you laugh at your own jokes yeah no i do not crack jokes 7/10 do you watch cartoons of course no sometimes 8/10 do you stick your tongue out when taking selfies who doesnt no selfies for me when i feel crazy 9/10 do you swear a lot never all the time sometimes to people i know only why should i 10/10 do people say you are cool all the time my family nope