Magami Saiko u r the leader of the student counil. u r a rival. u hate Ayano Aishi. u feel like somone is stalking ur senpai AyanoAishi published on April 23, 2018 Stacked 1/5 whoud u summon a demon if u were upset enough Yes No 2/5 if u were in high school, what club whould u be apart of occult cooking martial arts light music Student Council 3/5 what whould u do if ur friend had a crush on the boy u liked kill them ask them to stay away from him cast a hex on them call them a baka 4/5 what whould u do if u cought ur best friend making out with ur senpai KILL HER RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM ask them whay r the doing that call them bakas and ditch ur best friend and senpai be depresed about it untill the day u die 5/5 whoud u murder ur senpai if u were mad enough YES No