Which fandom are you in? (1) Your main fandom might not be in the results because there are only 4 results, but I hope you like my quiz. Please enjoy this quiz and have a great day! Marvel_Gleek published on December 10, 2015 Stacked 1/11 Pick a word (the last name of the author). D R C S and D 2/11 Which word(s) makes you feel excited the most? myth superheroes rebels cure 3/11 Which of these can be your theme song? Something cheery, happy and friendly. How about Lenka's Blue Skies, Free, Unique or The Bright Side?ex. I've got a glass half full and I'm making a toast to... Something serious or rebellious, like Imagine Dragon's Radioactive.Lyrics. Welcome to the new age, to the new age. x2 Whoa, whoa I'm radioactive, radioactiv... Something about superheroes such as the Script's Superheroes!Lyrics. When you've been fighting for it all your life. You've been struggling to make it right... Something about loyalty (among friends) and friendship...maybe Count on Me by Bruno Mars (or Connie Talbot)?Lyrics. You can count on me like 1,2,3 I'll be t... 4/11 Which name appeals to you most? Annie Logan Michael Sonya 5/11 Which comment do you like the most out of these? Wonderful action writing - fast paced...but smart and well observed. - Newsday With a true storyteller's sense of pacing, -------- (author name) creates another compelling adventure, right down to the cliff-hanger (did you notice? CLIFF... I was so obsessed with this book....____________ (book name) is amazing. - Stephenie MeyerORBrilliantly plotted and perfectly paced. - John Green I don't read novels so I don't really like any of these comments. 6/11 Which sentence? (These sentences were in the book/movie) (completely random) Her name's ______. She's just twelve. And I love her more than anything. He scanned their faces, taking in each expression, judging them. -He's going for the boy!-Not if I get there first. _______ remembered Iris, the rainbow goddess, who'd been dabbling in Buddhism and Taoism. _________ figured one visit to this creepy old house would cure her... 7/11 Do you want any superpowers? No, but I would like to be very intelligent, fast and experienced. No, but I want to survive in the most dangerous situations. Yeah, I really want to have a superpower (or more than one)! YES! It would also be a great idea if these powers differ based on my parentage! 8/11 Which villain do you hate/like most? The Joker/Loki Janson/the whole WICKED (World in Catastrophe: Killzone Experiment Department) crew Gaea/Kronos Cato/Snow 9/11 Which describes you? You get angry when someone (ex. Clarisse la Rue) says "Bows and arrows are for cowards." When someone mentions any random superpower like telekinesis or going through solid objects you start fangirling. You know EVERYTHING about Greek and Roman mythology but you use 'Mister Thunderpants', 'small brain' and other (not very nice) words to mention Zeus. You believe that all mazes have patterns. 10/11 Which of these do you want most? Being safe and with my friends Independence Superpower A very popular and powerful dad/mom 11/11 Which do you value most? Friendship and loyalty Independence and doing your job perfectly Friendship and...saving the world from evil villains? Friendship and saving the world (AKA doing chores for my mom/dad)!