WWFFY - Sonic, Silver and Shadow (5) Part 5! Woot woot woot! :D Enjoy it guys! :) :) :) <3 you might or might not go out to town with sonic huehue anonymous-user-8yWHzo published on October 15, 2014 Stacked 1/8 You wake up in Aurey's bedroom, the sun in your eyes. You sit up and rub your eyes, yawning. The previous night you gave the boys a makeover. You giggle remembering it. You jump off of the mattress you slept on and saw Aurey and Amy still asleep. You giggle again and then look at yourself in the mirror. You look a right mess. Your hair stood up like an afro and your eyes had dark circles under them. "Ew. I need a serious makeover!" "Eh. My hair...that's going to take forever.." "I need to hide these circles..eugh.." 2/8 You brush your hair, have a wash etc... You need to find some clothes so you go through Aurey's closet. It's a pretty hot day so you decide to wear something that's not too clingy or warm. Nearly everything in her closet is either red, black or greys. But you end up finding something you like! You pick.. A black summer dress with a red heart hairclip, black and red sandals and a red braclet A light blue summer dress with a medium blue hair band, dark blue flats and a normal blue necklace (shaped of whatever you want :)) A white summer dress with a golden flower hairclip, white sandals and a golden short leggings 3/8 You walk downstairs and look at the time. 7:26 AM. "Wow, I'm up pretty early!" You say. 'No one else is awake yet, I don't think' You think to yourself. So you decide to walk into the kitchen to make yourself a sandwich or something. As you walk into the kitchen you see Sonic, eating a chilli dog. "Oh! Hiya Sonic!" "Hey Sonic!" "Hi Sonic." 4/8 Sonic looks at you and smiles, "Good morning ___!" He says, finishing his chilli dog. "Wow..uh..you look pretty..___!" Compliments Sonic, grinning and giving you a thumbs up. You blush. "Heh..thanx.." You reply. Omg he called me pretty! o//o Wow, he's nice! Thanks again :3 5/8 "No problem!" He says. "Uh, ___ would you like to-" Started Sonic, before getting cut off by Amy. "Good morning Sonicu!" She says cutely and pushes past you. She hugs Sonic really hard. "U-uh..hi, Amy..?" He says, overwhelmed by the hug. OI BISH! Get your hands off of my man! >:( (calm down!) NO! (._.) Um..okay..? Ahahaha lol! 6/8 As Sonic is being squished by Amy, you slowly leave the kitchen and walk in to the living room. Silver and Shadow are awake and they are playing video games on the Xbox and PS4 and stuff. You sit down on the sofa and watch them, laughing when one of them loses. Ahahaha! Shadow owns! ^ No! Silver does! He beat Shadow at his own video game! ^^ ._. meh 7/8 After half an hour or so Aurey wakes up and runs downstairs in her pjs. "Mornin' guys!" She yawns, and flops down onto the sofa next to you. Shadow and Silver mumble back.."Good morning.." and then carry on with their video game. Aurey rolls her eyes, "They're addicted to that thing. Especially Shadow. He can't get enough of how 'badass' he is in his own video game." You giggle at that comment. Shadow growls silently and rolls his own eyes. You laugh even more. Ahahaha lol! Shadow is such a funny grump! XD ^ Oi! Bish you take that back! >:( ^^ Shaddup A2, Shadow is pretty funny when he's grumpy :P 8/8 Finally, Sonic comes out of the kitchen, Amy following him. 'Wow..Amy is so obsessed with Sonic a lot.' You think, and quietly chuckle. "So..as I was going to say, ___. Do you want to go to town together later?" Sonic smiles, and gently pushes Amy away. She's trying to hug him again -.- I wish that Amy would just piss off! Aghhh! (Woah calm yo self!) No! -_- What if I don't want to? D: (you're going anyway!) Aw :I Uh, okay. I'd rather stay behind but meh.