Which character from the owl house are you? (1) Amity? Eda? Luz? King? Willow? Gus? WHO ARE YOU?! COME ON AND FIND OUT!! HIIMSKY published on October 27, 2021 Stacked 1/6 Are you mentally okay? Sure THATS NONE OF YOUR BUISNESS!! no. HAHA!! YES DEFINETLY 2/6 Do you think that you could be a student at hexside? UhM duh!!! What-? IM ONLY ON EP 2! No. i suck 3/6 Whats yo favorite food I dont eat. IdK! PiZzA? SOMETHING YOU NEVER HEARD OF >:D 4/6 Whats your sexuality/gender? non-binary bisexual lesbian gay pansexual none/other 5/6 Do you like this show or are you curious about who u are? What-? Me? NOT LIKE THE SHOW, WHO ARE YOU?! I LOVE IT!!! Its okay ig What?! Its terrible!! 6/6 Who do you really wanna get? Amity!! She's a fruity icon Luz!! She's so enthusiastic and she suits me!! Gus, im the youngest in my class Uh Eda, shes a baddie >:D Willow! She's so sweet