Which Sans are you? (2) This is just an Undertale quiz because why not? I'm going to help try to keep the fandom alive FellSans224 published on August 09, 2019 Stacked 1/7 It made me add another question Oh Okay Cool? 2/7 Have a good Day! Thanks! I will! Thanks, Kid Th-HERE COMES THE BOSS! *hides* 3/7 Who's the coolest monster you know? My brother, Paps. He's a human hunting FANATIC! Me, of course! Mweh heh heh! M-my boss, duh! 4/7 You see a human, what do you? Scare it! It doesn't belong here! Give it a hug! Prank it 5/7 Royal Guard? Nah, I'm too lazy. Zzzzzzzz Of course! I'll be a great member! No way! Leave that to the boss! 6/7 What do you think of Chara? That human will have a BAD TIME! *megalovanina* They'll have a GOOD TIME! *megalovania* They're awesome! Mweh heh heh! 7/7 Kerchup or mustard? Ketchup! Mustard!! Niether, They're not good for you!