what member of the bird squad are you? lets see which one of my friends you are right now! just take this quiz pheonex_overload published on March 02, 2021 Stacked 1/6 are you a vegan or vedgitarian? no but I wanna be, lol YESSSSSS not really...... I WANNA BUT MY PARENTS DON'T LET MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2/6 what animal are you CAT deer pheonex!!!! idk....maybe a dogo? other 3/6 whats your fav color? cyan green/earth blue or pink PURPLE 4/6 what friend are you? the quiet one.... the loud one the annoying one!!!! secretly phsycotic 5/6 whats your style??? flashy cold/colorfull cozy just clothes IDK 6/6 and finally,whats your sexuality? pan!!!! idk yet trixic/non-binary human like gorls idk bi or pan maybe????????