What Civ V Civ are you (All DLCS)? Yeah. All 43 of them. Making this is gonna be hell but here I go. Not a lot of questions but a lot play similarly. I will continue to add more to this in the future. Durgesh published on February 06, 2019 Stacked 1/7 First off, pick a continent. The Americas Asia Europe Africa 2/7 What kind of victory are you going for? Military Trade Culture Diplomacy Science 3/7 What half of the game do you prefer? Ancient to Early Renaissance Early-Renaissance to Modern 4/7 Biome? Grass/plains Forest/Jungle Desert Tundra High Altitude 5/7 What ideological tree are you going down? Freedom Order Autocracy 6/7 Your opponent is charging you with large ghastly beasts on the battlefield, which are faster than they look, what do you use to counter them? A well organized and placed pike formation. Cavalry will outmaneuver the bastards. A couple of shots from my heavy artillery will cut them down to size. I have large beasts of my own to fight back with. The best way to fight these is using the terrain to my advantage. 7/7 Uh oh. You don't like your new neighbors. What do you do to try and get rid of them? Nothing. Just hope they leave me alone. Pillage, attack, maim, conquer, whatever it takes. Well, at least I have new trade partners. Literally buy them.