which qfeast background character are u? which character are you. which one which one whcic oehehrhrr rrr nnn m anonymous-user-cBv4pi published on February 01, 2021 Stacked 1/5 choose a hobby singing peeing having secks working out charming the ladies catfishing committing war crimes homoerotically being homophobic yelling killing children 2/5 when you go to the bathroom what do you do piss poop brush your teeth have a bath have a shower coke throw up brush your hair/do your makeup forget what you were doing and walk out i dont go to the bathroom 3/5 how do you listen to music on my ipod i sing a ballad out loud youtube spotify itunes piracy i dont qfeast videos i have CDs i have records 4/5 why do your balls itch i dont have balls nut transfer malfunctioned SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT THE F UP!!! my balls dont itch pardon you! im too young for this im your dad i STOLE these nuts from the president more like why do your nuts itch... tch had too much seckz!!! 5/5 which number is the same colour as your name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 12 14