creepy pasta boyfriend to see who loves you the most from creepy pasta<3good luck and have fun zen_onyx published on September 21, 2014 Stacked 1/7 fave color blue green deep red any dark color black and white 2/7 whats your favorite video game? C.O.D (ben: hell yeah .) assassins creed (jeff: i think im in love) surgon simulator ( ej : ohhh la la) idk 3/7 favoirte food cheese cake idk candy candy candy ! ! ! kidneys plx 4/7 who do you spend your weekends killing eating cheese cake. . . er . . .i mean working video games kidneys getting candy 5/7 what is your weapon of choice knife scaple gun mind powers causing victim to do suicide 6/7 what do you do in your free time kill eat cheese cake eat kidneys video games play games 7/7 where would you live near woods dark alley roaming the streets never staying in one place to long where ever