Sensing vs. Intuition Personality Quiz (1)

Discover your dominant cognitive function - Sensing or Intuition - through this quiz!

published on July 12, 2024

When making decisions, I trust my gut feeling.

No, I prefer to gather facts
Yes, always

I enjoy exploring new ideas and possibilities.

I enjoy exploring new ideas and possibilities.
Yes, absolutely
No, I prefer sticking to what I know

I pay attention to details and notice changes in my environment.

Yes, that describes me well
No, I tend to overlook details

I rely on my past experiences to guide my decisions.

I rely on my past experiences to guide my decisions.
No, I prefer to focus on future possibilities
Yes, my past experiences are valuable

I am more interested in the big picture than the specifics.

I am more interested in the big picture than the specifics.
Yes, the big picture is what matters to me
No, I pay attention to the specifics

I enjoy brainstorming and coming up with creative solutions.

Yes, I love to brainstorm
No, I prefer practical solutions

I prefer to follow my instincts rather than follow a plan.

Yes, instincts are important to me
No, I prefer to stick to a plan

I enjoy hands-on experiences and learning through action.

No, I prefer to learn through observation
Yes, hands-on learning is my preference

I tend to daydream and get lost in my thoughts.

No, I prefer to stay grounded in reality
Yes, I daydream often

I enjoy focusing on the present moment rather than planning for the future.

Yes, the present moment is important to me
No, I like to plan for the future