One word that describes you Everybody has good things about themselves. Which word would most describe your personality? ~Pictures found on Google anonymous-user-xGJG8e published on December 30, 2015 Stacked 1/9 How are you today? Ooh, I'm good! How are you? Fine, I suppose Hello! Do you need help with anything? Depends, why? Fine. I'm good. 2/9 Do you prefer being with people or by yourself? Alone, I don't have to worry about what others think Obviously with people, who likes being alone? I like both, but I personally prefer being with people I'm fine with both People! I love helping them! I like spending time with others, but I also value my privacy 3/9 If I were to ask a friend, how would they describe you? they can do anything! Kinda demanding, bit of anger issues a bit quiet, but really nice They're always bringing up some anime reference, but they're really cool! Very kind and caring the smartest person they ever met 4/9 Which quote appeals to you most? "Don't worry, we're almost done! We just have to start first." "I don't know." "Which end of a chocolate cornet is it's head?" "Can I help you?" "I want this, and this, and this too!" "Oh my!" 5/9 There's a test tomorrow! How are you? I'm fine, I never study anyways I completely forgot! Now what am I supposed to do?!? Man, I forgot...It's okay though, I still got twenty four hours to study I got a friend to study for me, and give me the answers I was too busy playing games and watching T.V... I'm prepared... 6/9 If your life were a storybook, what type would it be? An amazing action bestseller!!! One with a princess in it A happy one! I hate sad stories I'm not sure... A story about a normal person One where the main character helps other!!! 7/9 What do you do to pass time? Cartoons!!! I love them! I'd read a book Anime/manga Drawing, playing games, listen to music, something to help my mind See if anyone needs me Calls servant, "Hello, I need a..." 8/9 What annoys you? When I can't think When people are mean No wifi When my favorite animes get canceled My brother Being sad 9/9 What name do you like best? Elizabeth Liliane Konata Izumi Albert Einstein My Name