Are you a BAMF? Well, I'm a bad ass mother effer. Are you? Take this quiz and find out just how below me you really are! bevers published on May 23, 2014 Stacked 1/10 How do you dress? Anything cheetah print Whatever is comfortable I guess The skins of my foes Sweater vests and high wasted jeans 2/10 What do you like to eat? No YES Seafood... Oysters in particular ;) Any home cooked meal is better than that store bought sh*t!! 3/10 Do you like dogs? My little Chihuahua always stays in my designer purse! Yeah, they're cool Those bastards always get hair on the floor!! I might spare their race after I enslave the humans 4/10 You refer to the people around you as... Friends Family F*ck buddies Lowly humans 5/10 Do you use makeup? YES Are you kidding me?? I'm already freakin' fabulous, what else do you need?? Maybe a little No! Natural beauty shouldn't be covered by expensive products that get you nowhere in life! 6/10 How do you react when someone annoys you? Kill them and their family Make them mop the floors Talk about it and try to solve the problem diplomatically Snap my fingers in the Z-FOR-MA-TION! 7/10 What is your opinion on chores? I'm just biding my time until my future mega-rich husband buys a mansion with a live-in maid. Well, I'll do them if my mom wants me too... They build character you little SH*T!! These things are concerns for the lesser humans. 8/10 What do you want for Christmas YES World Peace Total annihilation or servitude of the human race a handwritten card and a cute ornament to remember my kid's first Christmas 9/10 You would describe yourself as... Freakin' fabulous!!! Mushy... HAWT Kind of cool I guess... 10/10 What about children? Kids are the future! Tiny humans that need to be eradicated in order to ensure the enslavement of the human race. They make you fat. I might have one or two one day I guess...