Can you survive without me? The 5-10 minute quiz to see if you will really be able to survive without me when I move. Will you make the cut? Find out now! kittynice123 published on April 24, 2016 Stacked 1/10 When I leave will you cry? yes I will cry for days. I don't think will ever stop! Yes but, I will eventually stop. I'm trying not to right now. Of course not why would I cry? 2/10 Will you call me on my birthday? When is your birthday again? well I'll text you if I remember. We have to throw a party! Are you kidding I'm already planning the party! 3/10 Will you keep in touch? yes I will miss you more then life it's self! NO Well, I don't know 4/10 I'm going to miss you more! Miss you too! Talk soon! Bye-bye! miss you! Leave already! 5/10 Will you still invite me to stuff? no, probably not yes all of it! will you invite me still? no, never did never will! Would you come? 6/10 Will you miss me? Yes, why wouldn't I? Of course but, I still have to focus on school! Yes Nope 7/10 Do you want me to visit? Yes, all the time! yeah sometimes I think I can deal NO, never! 8/10 Will you tell me big news still? Like what? Of, course! I never told you big news anyway! Like when I get a boyfriend/girlfriend? Or grad? Or birthdays? 9/10 Will you be sad every time you think of me? Of course, but no one can know! why would I be sad? well not every time. Got to remember the good times! OF COURSE! 10/10 How will you coupe? Talk to you every single day so I know everything think of you and text you every once in a while Cry when no one is around Celebrate that you are gone!