What's Your Writing Personality? (3) Discover your unique writing style and talents with this fun personality quiz! michelle published on February 21, 2024 Stacked 1/10 What time of day do you prefer to write? Afternoon Evening Morning 2/10 Where do you feel most inspired to write? At a bustling coffee shop Outdoors in nature In a quiet library 3/10 How do you approach a blank page? With a detailed outline After some brainstorming By diving right in 4/10 Which genre do you enjoy writing the most? Romance or Drama Mystery or Thriller Fantasy or Sci-Fi 5/10 How do you feel when receiving feedback on your writing? Defensive and protective Open to constructive criticism Excited for input and suggestions 6/10 What motivates you to keep writing? Personal satisfaction Recognition and praise Sharing your story with others 7/10 Do you prefer writing by hand or typing on a computer? Handwriting Typing A mix of both 8/10 How do you overcome writer's block? Take a break and go for a walk Write through the block no matter what Try different writing prompts or exercises 9/10 What writing tool or software do you prefer to use? Google Docs or Microsoft Word Pen and paper Scrivener or other writing software 10/10 How important is grammar and spelling to you in writing? Very important, always proofread carefully Important, but not the top priority Less important, focus on the storytelling