Your secret attraction in men, what is it? Find out what type of man you are attracted to. There are multiple types of guys who do you like? Paig3 published on November 17, 2017 Stacked 1/5 What would you rather you first date be? A night at the club down town getting wasted. A quiet night in with you and your partener watching netflix. Walk across a beach talking all night long No date just get to the point... Cinema movie night Classic restaurant date. A night filled with video games. 2/5 Which ice cream flavour do you prefer? Chocolate ice cream Vanilla ice cream Strawberry ice cream Rum and raisin ice cream Honeycomb Candyfloss ice cream Rasberry ripple ice cream 3/5 What would you order on a first ? Pasta or spaghetti Salad Beef and fries Mexican dish Avacado sandwhich Macdonald's Pizza 4/5 Which film would you watch? Titanic A disney classic Pitch perfect Twilight IT Tim burton classic Wouldnt watch one 5/5 Finally, let destiny decide * # ! = % $ &