witch fuit are you (fate eddishun) ARE you redy for some fate because i am enjoy this quiz bye and see you and the next quiz The_last_CoD_Ghost published on April 01, 2015 Stacked 1/9 fate adfgsdaf sdfgsdfgs 2/9 fate sdgfsdgfsdfg sgddfsfdd 3/9 fate dsgfdfg sgdgsfdgdgd 4/9 fate afssaffsdfsd dsfafdsafasfds 5/9 fate assfdfdsa dfsfdssfd 6/9 fate fdsfsdfsdaafsd dsfdssfdafdsfdadsfa 7/9 fate sgdgf dgf 8/9 fate ggd sgdgsd 9/9 fate gfds gsdf