Are you able to demonstrate problem-solving abilities?

Are you able to demonstrate problem-solving abilities?

You are given a brief scenario which one of our A5 team members have experienced and have your own chance to see how good your problem solving ability is.

published on August 15, 2017

You have just left your friend's lifestyle block and are a few kilometres down the road when you glance out the window to one of her leased paddocks and see something flapping about in the paddock. What do you do?

Ignore it and pretend you haven't seen it. Ignorance is bliss and it isn't your problem.
Ask your friend to pull over and insist you go back so you can see what it was, you think it may have been an animal trapped
and unable to escape.
Ask your friend if she saw something in the paddock and suggest going back to have a look.

You decide to investigate and go to the paddock and from a distance you can see it's a wild bird that looks kind of like a hawk stuck in a poacher's trap. It is distressed and when you try to go closer it flaps frantically and tries to fly away. What do you do?

Retreat to a distance where the bird doesn't feel threatened and observe the situation further to gleam any more information
you can. Ring a veterinarian to...
Continue advancing towards the bird so you can get a clear look at what's going wrong before retreating and deciding you can
get it out you just need to get...
Retreat away from the bird because you don't know what to do and don't want to try and get it out because it seems a big job
and discuss with your friend wh...

The veterinarian will be costly to come and capture the bird themselves and won't be available for the next 2 hours. They give you some information about birds of prey and give you some key advice on how to capture one and some solutions on what to do with the leg in the trap which might bleed out when you take it out. You ask questions and come away feeling okay about how to do this. How would you proceed?

Acknowledge that while it is all very well having information on how to catch these animals it is very daunting and you don't
think you can do it on your ow...
Discuss with your friend how you will go about this and decide that it is in the bird's best interests that you do not wait a couple
of hours in the heat of...
Wait for the vet for the two hours and be prepared to pay the money for the call out. You reason it is better to have a
professional who will have some know...
Listen to the vet's advice and decide you have everything you need to catch the bird straight away. You take off your hoodie to
use as a towel for putting o...

You successfully get a towel over the bird and capture it. Wearing welding gloves for safety you approach only to find the bird's leg has been twisted around and around so much in its struggle to escape that it has nearly amputated itself. How do you proceed?

Look at the leg and see that the lower half of the leg is nearly detached and that there looks to be no blood flow to the lower
half of the leg. It seems to...
Look at the leg and see that the lower half of the leg is nearly detached and that there looks to be no blood flow to the lower
half of the leg. It seems to...
Your friend holds the bird down while you get in there and notice that the birds leg is very mangled. You decide there is no
possible way the leg will be ab...

There is no bleeding of the limb once you cut it off thankfully so you take the bird and put it in the cage carefully. What do you do now?

Drive to the vets clinic where they will be able to take the bird from your care and provide a more knowledgeable level of care
for it. Remove the trap from...
Drive to your friends house and ring the nearest bird sanctuary regarding a suggestion the vets gave you earlier about the
possibility of it being re-homed ...
The bird is now rescued from the trap and because the bleeding of the trapped limb wasn't existent you think that it is safe to
release the bird to the wild...

The bird has been taken from your care on its way to a bird sanctuary where it will receive appropriate care and facilities that can provide it with a good enclosure to spread it wings and fly in. After a long and rather stressful time you look back on the situation to reflect and find you are a little overwhelmed and don't know how you felt about the situation afterwards. How do you treat your emotions afterwards?

Bottle them up and brush them aside. The bird is safe now and you managed to solve the situation okay so there is no point dwelling on it, it is in the past.
Talk to your friend and have a debrief about the how you are feeling about the situation. You both agree things went okay and that you would have a word with...
Debrief the situation with your friend and even the vet or bird sanctuary worker to get some tips on what went well and how you can improve or what you could...