How confident are you? (1) Been wondering if you've got a great esteem or not? Wanna know how to boost your self-confidence in a snap? Take this quiz to find out how confident you are of your body and life. unicorn.fudge published on July 01, 2014 Stacked 1/10 Good quiz? Maybe, I sort of think I'll fail though... Great quiz! Can't wait to see how I did! As long as I get my bad score over with... Yes! Show me the results 2/10 Your thoughts on makeup? Tried and failed. And if it works, no one notices anyway. I practically own the whole cosmetics store! I've been working makeup for YEARS. Just some lip gloss, maybe mascara- I'm fine with the way I look! It does nothing for this "amazing" face... 3/10 10 being fantastic, how well do you think your self-confidence is? 9 or 10- confidence isn't really a problem for me. 4 or less- honestly, I'm not sure. I guess 7 or so. There are a lot of things riding on my self image One, 1! 4/10 What do you see when you look at yourself in the mirror? Omg i look soooo good today..what am I saying, i look good EVERY day! Myeah.. it's me A mirror!? Oh gosh, no way Mmhhh.. better fix my mascara 5/10 Your hair- Is pretty versatile- I can do mostly anything with it. Is always, always the same... I think I'm becoming bald.. HAS to be perfect- no hair can be out of place. 6/10 Your crush is coming toward you You look away, embarassed of yourself and your ugly face You turn away and start running as if you saw a firiend of yours but panicking You look at him, try to make your hair look better and watch him with a flirty eye Say hi as he passes and feel happy when he smiles at you in a kind way 7/10 Quick! Pick a color! Black PINK Ooh- turquoise! 8/10 You're 13 and 105 lbs. Do you feel fat? Well, I've got nothing else to compare to. I've also been the same size. Of course! Most girls my age look the same size as me! But somehow they've GOT TO be skinnier... With exercise and diet I could get it down some- though it's really not that fat, but feeling lean is important. Uh, no. My gym teacher says that's healthy for my age. 9/10 All the girls are following the latest belt trend- would you try it? Maybe- I might even add my own twist to the belt! Well, a t-shirt and jeans are fine enough for me I guess... Popular trend? On ME? Of course! Any trends must fall on me! 10/10 You are asked to read your notes in front of the class You panick and start crying begging him to let you continue writing them You take a deep breath and start reading trying not to make mistakes You hesitate but stand up and start reading clearly and with no shame You smile, stand up, go to the middle of the classroom and find a comfortable position before reading it out loud, smiling all the time.