What emotion describe you best? Emotions one of them is stronger than the others. Which one is the strongest of yours. silverwings published on July 06, 2016 Stacked 1/10 What is your favor color? blue and green red and black others/all/none 2/10 which word describes you best? determination joyful stronger 3/10 What kind of movies or stories you like to watch or read? romance or mystery action or adventure fan fiction, sci-fiction,or fanasty 4/10 what is your favor element? fire or earth water or air spirit and electricity 5/10 What is your favor animal out of these? bunny,kittens, or puppies wolves,tigers,or bears fishes, foxes,racoons,or others 6/10 How has your day/night been so far? good sad annoying 7/10 How do you feel? good sad angry bored calm annoyed 8/10 What time do you like best? Morning Afternoon night 9/10 What type of music do you prefer to listen too? rock or pop classical others 10/10 What type of outfit you usually wear? shorts,tank-top,or shirt skirt, dress, or anything really cute pants,shirt, and a hoodie