If you were an R/C Car, which one would you be? Have you ever wondered which type of R/C Car has the same attitude as you timchui published on June 23, 2016 Stacked 1/10 Pick a job you'd be interested in The President Teacher Painter Detective Doctor Sports Player Actor Jobless 2/10 Which is your favorite season? Spring Summer Autumn Winter 3/10 Which color do you like the most? Blue Red Yellow Green Black Purple White Pink 4/10 You realized that you forgot to write that big paper due in an hour! You... Ask for a really long extension. Sit down and write as fast as you can. And triple-space it. Wet your eyes and prepare a story about an accident. Print out an erotic story from the internet. Bribe your teacher...for whatever it takes. Copy it from a friend and hope for the best. Just give up. Show your tutor the broken Laptop which you damaged deliberately. 5/10 You're invited to a party. What's going to annoy you the most? Not knowing anyone Horrible music Drunken idiots Nothing's going to annoy me. This is going to be awesome! Work / School early the next day Your ex is also invited 6/10 If you could be in the circus, you would like to be a/n Clown Magician Animal Trainer Elephant Stuntman The Freak 7/10 Which animal do you like the most? Dog Leopard Lion Horse Cat Tiger Monkey Bird 8/10 Which of the sports below do you enjoy playing the most? Basketball Soccer Hockey Rugby Baseball American Football Athletics Cricket 9/10 Your neighbor is playing his awful music way too loud. You.... Put in earplugs and cry silently. Learn to enjoy it; it's kind of catchy, actually. Set off the fire alarm and evacuate the entire building. Play your music much, much, louder, and put the speaker against the wall. Leave home. Go knock on him door and shout at him. 10/10 When it comes to making big life decisions, what do you do? I seek advice from others. I immediately go with my instinct. I go deep on analyzing my options. I go with the greater good, even if it's at my expense. I ask my mom. Wait until the final minute until I make a decision.