Who's going to be your 2016 Valentine?

Who's going to be your 2016 Valentine?

Who do you believe your 2016 will be? Your crush? Your admirer? Or just simply a family member?

published on February 07, 2016

What is your ideally perfect Valentine's day date place?

What is your ideally perfect Valentine's day date place?
A blind date.
A candlelight dinner where nothing goes wrong.
Just a time to play some in-depth truth-or-dare to learn more about each other.
Spending some quality time with them, just hanging out.
Playing a bunch of crazy games.
None of these; Too mushy.
Um, can I get back to you on that one?

Do you have an idea who this special Valentine's person is? If so, who?

Do you have an idea who this special Valentine's person is? If so, who?
My best friend because who needs a "special friend" to support them?
My crush, hopefully.
Nope, I have not a slight idea.
No idea, at all.
Probably that one kid who really likes me.
Someone close to me, I guess.
Someone who I don't pay much attention to.

How socially awkward are you on that ideally perfect date?

How socially awkward are you on that ideally perfect date?
Chill. Not socially awkward.
Could go either way. I have an open and realistic imagination.
If anyone else saw what I imagine as a perfect date, they would think we are reading off a script. So not at all.
In this situation, it would never get awkward. The laughter would only increase.
Somewhat awkward; just a tad.
The most awkward a situation could ever get.
Very awkward.

How socially awkward would you really be in that situation?

How socially awkward would you really be in that situation?
Extremely awkward.
Maybe a little awkward.
Not awkward at all, because we are so close.
Not awkward, only really uncomfortable
No eye contact with them, trying not to talk much.
Probably just playing video games and not making any eye contact.
Stuttering and blushing at their every word.

What type of typical Valentine's candy would you rather have?

What type of typical Valentine's candy would you rather have?
All your favorite candy.
Fun Dip, Pixie Sticks, basically anything with visible sugar.
Heart-shaped Reese's.
Jelly Beans.
Peeps or Smarties.
Sweethearts that do have lovey-dovey sayings on them.
Sweethearts that have no lovey-dovey sayings.

What would you like to get from your Valentine this year?

What would you like to get from your Valentine this year?
A bouquet of roses.
A hug.
A kiss.
A large box of chocolate.
A love note.
A small box of chocolate.
One rose.